No 710 “EN MI OPINIóN” LUNES, Julio 22, 2014‏‏‏.‏

“IN GOD WE TRUS”   Lázaro R González Miño, Editor. 

“EMO” Estimados amigos, por razones importantes he estado fuera de Miami 4 dias y no he podido publicar nuestro periodico “En mi opinion”. En sintesis lo unico que puedo decir es que cada dia la situacion es peor, que las personas so mas apaticas, que las personas que pueden hacer halgo no hacen nada y que el govierno sigue haciendo la mayor cantidad de  porquerias locamente que puede. Cuando veo esta apatia tan profunda en el pueblo Americano y en los congresistas y representantes del congreso y de los governadores de los estados supuestamente conservadores. Cuando veo a los terroristas de dentro y de fuera haciendose cada vez mas fuertes e impunes y veo a los buenos aceptando la derrota sin ir a la batalla. Me pregunto si ya nada tiene sentido ni solucion.

Lazaro R Gonzalez Mino.



Adiós a la cartaRafael del Pino*

20 de julio de 2014

Este es simplemente el modus operandi, sin un ápice de ética, de los militares en regímenes totalitarios como el de Cuba y autoritarios como el de Rusia 

Con el brutal derribo del vuelo MH17 de Malasyan Airlines sobre el territorio ocupado por las fuerzas separatistas ucranianas, dirigidas, organizadas y armadas por Rusia, se acaba de perpetrar el acto terrorista más terrible del presente año donde han perdido la vida 298 personas inocentes 

Este desastre se veía venir desde las últimas semanas con el incremento de la intervención rusa en los intentos de anexarse una buena parte de Ucrania. Los “rebeldes” derribaron primero un avión caza bombardero SU-25. Posteriormente derriban un avión de transporte AN-26, averían otro cazabombardero SU-25, que logra aterrizar gravemente dañado, y por último se produce la tragedia que estamos presenciando. 

El avión de pasajeros se encontraba volando en ruta de Ámsterdam a Kuala Lumpur, cruzando a una altura de 33.000 pies, lo que lo situaba en el diapasón de efectividad del sofisticado complejo de misiles Buk, también conocido en la OTAN por SA-11 Gadfly (“Tábano”).

A la altitud en que volaba el avión de pasajeros era imposible que pudiera ser alcanzado por los misiles portátiles conocido como Manpads o por fuego de artillería antiaérea, por lo tanto no cabe la menor duda de que fue un complejo de misiles SA-11, que por su complejidad tenían que ser operados por especialistas rusos que se hayan ofrecido “voluntarios” en su “noble y desinteresada ayuda fraternal internacionalista”.

Allá los ilusos o despistados que se crean estas historias. Nosotros los cubanos que fuimos astilla de aquel palo tenemos bastante experiencia en estos trajines. 

No solo a rebeldes improvisados se les hace extremadamente difícil operar estos sistemas. A oficiales profesionales, como los que enviamos a estudiar a la URSS después de la crisis de los misiles nucleares de Octubre de 1961, para que asimilaran los S-75 que nos habían dejado los soviéticos, tardaron tres años para poder operarlos. Y después que ya estaban operándolos no dejaron de cometer errores garrafales como derribar uno de los aviones ejecutivos de Fidel Castro, el Ilushing-14 matricula #1224 a finales de 1965 pereciendo toda la tripulación. Fatal error que se repitió el 27 de abril de 1988 en el aeródromo de Cahama al sur de Angola, cuando un sistema parecido al Buk y operado por cubanos derribó el AN-26 donde viajaban más de 25 altos oficiales cubanos, incluyendo el general de división Francisco Cruz. Igualmente sucedió con un Yak-40 con 29 soviéticos a bordo, derribado por uno de nuestros sistemas S-125 Pechora el 8 de agosto de 1980 próximo al aeródromo de Matala.

O sea, que esta desgracia que acaba de suceder en Ucrania no es nueva para nosotros. Como tampoco fue nuevo el criminal derribo de las indefensas avionetas de Hermanos al Rescate, siguiendo el ejemplo del derribo por la aviación interceptora soviética el 1 de septiembre de 1983 del avión de pasajeros de la aerolínea Korean Airlines en el vuelo KAL007, con 269 personas a bordo. Es simplemente el modus operandi, sin un ápice de ética, de los militares en regímenes totalitarios como el de Cuba y autoritarios como el de Rusia. 

Pero despejemos hasta la última duda de que esta fue una acción deliberada por parte de los “rebeldes” separatistas.

Los periodistas de la Associated Press que cubren el conflicto en el terrero pudieron ver un complejo de misiles Buk como el que acabamos de describir moviéndose en las cercanías del poblado de Snizhne, próximo al lugar del derribo. Pero lo más importante ha sido la intercepción de las radiocomunicaciones de los “rebeldes” separatistas captadas por las unidades de radioescucha de las fuerzas armadas de Ucrania. Esto por supuesto lo hacen todos los países desarrollados o en desarrollo y Ucrania no es la excepción. No sé si los lectores recuerdan como Estados Unidos grabó todas las infamantes radios conversaciones de los pilotos cubanos cuando cometían la masacre de las avionetas de Hermanos al Rescate con sus cazas MiG-29 en febrero de 1996. 

Pero escuchemos las grabaciones realizadas por los servicios de seguridad de Ucrania entre los jefes de las fuerzas “rebeldes”. 

El líder del grupo con el indicativo “Demon” le comunica a su jefe con el indicativo “Miner”: “Hemos acabado de derribar un avión. Cayó en las afueras de Enakievo. Nuestros hombres fueron a verlo y fotografiarlo. Está ardiendo”.

Después que sus hombres inspeccionaron el lugar donde cayó. “Demon” reporta nuevamente: “Kazakhs” (indicativo de la unidad que disparó el misil) en el check point de Chermunkhino fue el que derribó el avión. Se desintegró en el aire… ya encontraron el primer cuerpo. Es un civil. Y continúa: “Quiero decir, es definitivamente un avión civil”. 

Su superior con el indicativo “Greek” le pregunta: ¿Habían muchas personas? 

“Demon” le responde: “Una gran cantidad. Los restos están lloviendo en los patios.”

“Greek pregunta: “¿Qué tipo de avión es?”.

“Demon” responde: “No tengo idea todavía. No he llegado a la sección principal. Solo he estado buscando donde los cuerpos comenzaron a caer. Hay restos de asientos y cuerpos”.

“Greek” pregunta: “¿Algún arma ahí? 

“Demon” dice: “Ninguna, cosas civiles, cosas médicas, toallas, papel sanitario”.

“Greek” pregunta: “¿Algunos documentos?”.

“Demon” contesta: “Sí, un estudiante indonesio de una universidad”.

Creo que con esto y otras revelaciones que continuamente aparecen en la prensa internacional no existe la menor duda de que la mano rusa ha sido la autora de esta masacre. Con esto se explica ahora con más claridad la mansedumbre y sumisión que el general/presidente de Cuba le acaba de rendir a su antigua metrópoli durante la visita de Putin. En el supuesto caso que nos quedara un átomo de duda, ésta se ha desvanecido por completo gracias a la relampagueante e inusual rapidez con que Fidel Castro salió a la palestra mundial; sin siquiera llegar los expertos investigadores internacionales a la región del siniestro, para afirmar que es culpa del gobierno democráticamente electo de Ucrania. Con ello, sabemos ahora ciertamente que fueron los rusos. 

Hace tiempo predije que esta entrega iba a suceder. Pueden remitirse a la página 319 de mi libro en inglés Inside Castro’s Bunker, donde escribí: 

¿Podrá Castro mantener el poder a pesar del colapso económico y la crisis política y social que confronta Cuba? Como decimos los cubanos “el diablo sabe más por viejo que por diablo” y los Castro de tontos no tienen un pelo para no darse cuenta que están sentados sobre una caldera de presión. Saben que la situación actual no podrá prolongarse mucho mas y se lo han jugado todo a una última carta. Resistir lo más que se pueda apoyado en las bayonetas para esperar que se produzca el milagro del retorno a la guerra fría. 

Solo este milagro, que cada día se ve más factible con la agresividad geopolítica de Rusia, podría prolongar el final del régimen.

No precisamente espera Castro el retorno total a la época de la URSS. Difícilmente los comunistas puedan revertir la historia. Castro tiene los pies en la tierra y sabe que la inmensa ola de nacionalismo y chovinismo que hoy envuelve a toda Rusia muy bien pudiera traer en su seno a un nuevo Führer. El gran error de Estados Unidos fue pensar que con la desaparición del comunismo en Rusia, el país se convertiría en un dócil aliado. El comunismo jamás pudo eliminar el orgullo nacionalista de los rusos heredado en cientos de años. Rusia es un gran país, con enormes recursos naturales y con miles de cabezas nucleares. Los rusos lo saben y los Castro también. Este es el milagro al que el régimen cubano se lo ha jugado todo. Si la diminuta bolita en la ruleta de la vida cae por casualidad en la casilla escogida por Castro, entonces el portaaviones natural que Cuba representa volverá a recobrar su valor original y aunque su alquiler no alcance los mismos niveles que en las décadas pasadas, por lo menos le posibilitara sortear lo peor de la crisis y terminar sus días en una apacible cama disfrutando del poder. 

Hasta aquí la traducción del inglés de la pagina 318 de Inside Castro’s Bunker.

Con la conmovedora reconciliación y nueva “Luna de Miel” entre los Castro y sus viejos amos nos surge una nueva interrogante: ¿Será casualidad que cada vez que asoman las tendencias a un relajamiento de las tensiones entre Estados Unidos y Cuba se produzca un hecho traumatizante que hace a los Castro cerrar filas con lo peor del planeta frente a su vecino del norte? 

Por lo pronto con el regreso de los rusos con sus barcos espías, sus aviones de reconocimiento, sus bases de submarinos y hasta su centro de espionaje de Lourdes ha sido el régimen del general/presidente quien acaba de hacer trizas la famosa carta enviada al presidente Obama por destacadas personalidades norteamericanas. Adiós a la carta, que en paz descanse la misiva. 

*El autor fue general de la Fuerza Aérea de Cuba



EORGINA LOPEZ: ¿Iba la cura del sida en la tragedia del MH17?

Publicado: 19 jul 2014 | 1:11 GMT Última actualización: 20 jul 2014 | 1:16 GMT

La muerte de más de 100 especialistas en el VIH en la tragedia del MH17, hace temer a algunos que la cura del sida pueda haberse perdido en la catástrofe aérea.

Se teme que la cura del sida pueda haberse perdido con los más de 100 científicos e investigadores, “los mejores y más brillantes”, que viajaban a bordo del avión siniestrado al Congreso Internacional sobre Sida de 2014 en Melbourne (Australia), informa el diario británico ‘The Independent‘. El jueves el avión de vuelo MH17 de Malaysia Airlines cayó en la región de de Donetsk en Ucrania con 298 personas a bordo. 

Estas personas eran las mejores y las más brillantes, dedicaron toda su carrera a la lucha contra este terrible virus

Según Trevor Stratton, un especialista canadiense en el VIH, los científicos fallecidos se acercaron mucho a la creación de la vacuna contra el virus. Además, no descarta que la cura del sida estuviera a bordo del avión. “Hay unos estudios muy prometedores que se llevan a cabo desde hace mucho tiempo, y ahora estamos a punto de crear una vacuna, así que podemos hablar del fin de la epidemia del sida en un futuro cercano”, indica el científico. “La cura del sida podía estar en ese avión. ¿Realmente lo estaba? No lo sabemos”.

Actualmente, el comité de la conferencia aclara la lista de los delegados que murieron en la catástrofe, y en su memoria ha decidido no cancelar el encuentro internacional que empieza este domingo. “Estas personas eran las mejores y las más brillantes, dedicaron toda su carrera a la lucha contra este terrible virus”, indica Clive Aspin, un investigador de Australia.

Entre todas las pérdidas, la comunidad científica lamenta especialmente la de Joep Lange, un destacado científico, humanista, el expresidente de la Sociedad Internacional del sida de la Universidad de Amsterdam, que comenzó a estudiar la enfermedad en 1983, cuando el virus comenzó a expandirse por el planeta. Lange, autor de más de 350 artículos, fue una de las figuras clave en varios proyectos para el desarrollo de la terapia antirretroviral para prevenir la transmisión del virus de madre a hijo, que estaba previsto para ser utilizado tanto en los países desarrollados como en desarrollo.




 “I call upon the leadership of the U.S. House of Representatives… to draft articles of impeachment as no one is above the law in America.”

       After the House of Representatives threatened to take him to court, Obama swaggered to the microphone. With defiance and ridicule in his voice he declared that he’s“not going to apologize” and like a petulant child he issued a challenge to Speaker of the House John Boehner: “So sue me.” 

       The United States Supreme Court just smacked him down, but he doesn’t care. He instructed his minions to “be creative” and find ways to defy Congress and the courts and ram his radical agenda down our throats. 

       Barack Obama’s not backing down… he’s doubling down and we must declare our independence from the Obama Regime. Let’s take our message to the 50 Tea Party Members in Congress and the Republican Leadership and demand that they IMPEACH BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA. 

 Patriotic Americans Are Sick And We’re Tired Of This Criminal Obama Regime.

       If you believe that Barack Obama needs to be removed from office and thrown in jail, rest assured, you haven’t taken leave of your senses or gone off the deep end. You simply recognize the obvious. 

       Our nation is presently in a state of crisis. 

       We’re not dealing with run-of-the-mill government graft and corruption. The stench of lawlessness in the Obama Regime is so overwhelming that it places our country in clear peril of becoming a third-world dictatorship. 

       Yes, we’re living in very dangerous times… desperate times, and desperate times call for desperate measures. 

       As former-Congressman Allen West put it: “Make no mistake, [Barack] Obama is ignoring the Constitution, our laws, and the system of checks and balances that safeguard this country. Barack Obama has exceeded his constitutional authority, which has dangerous implications for our system of government and our freedoms.” 

       Put another way, when things that crawl invade your home, you don’t eradicate them one by one, you call the Orkin man and rid your house of all the vermin en masse. 

Yes… The United States Is Evolving Into A Third-World Country.

       Simply consider the following short list of manufactured Obama crises: 

        The most powerful and feared agency in the federal government targeted political opponents, pursued Members of Congress and allegedly even planned to throw people in jail for daring to exercise their First Amendment rights and oppose the criminal Obama Regime. 

       Veterans died by the hundreds — perhaps by the thousands — as those who were tasked to care for them were paid bonuses for allowing them to die as they waited for much-needed medical care that never came. 

        As the encore to running weapons to dangerous cartels South of the Border (Fast and Furious), the Obama Regime is now allowing hordes of illegal alien children to flood our borders. These children are held in sweltering and stinking hangers and cages so that they may infect each other with diseases, and then bused to all areas of the country to disappear into the populace and spread those diseases and otherwise overwhelm our already sinking social welfare system. 

        Failed Obama foreign policies emboldened enemy nations and terrorists around the world and Barack Obama responded by tasking Eric Holder’s DOJ to secretly pursue journalists who dared to shine the light of day on his foreign policy failures. To make matters worse, Obama’s planning to release even more terrorists from Guantanamo Bay. Make no mistake, the next 9-11 is just around the corner… courtesy of Barack Hussein Obama. 

       These crises are not occurring by accident. They were planned and they are being fueled by a corrupt and criminal regime that is either totally incompetent or is purposefully trying to destroy the United States of America. 

       And to be totally honest, it’s not just the corruption and criminality that drives us crazy, it’s the fact that we’re watching… gobsmacked… as Barack Obama fulfills his lawless 2008 campaign pledge to“fundamentally transform” the United States into a third-world nation, and we’re not about to sit on our duffs and watch the United States become a second-rate nation. 

       Make no mistake, our great nation is in crisis… our great nation is under attack from within and desperate times call for desperate measures andCongress’ response to this crisis must be swift and decisive… people must be removed from office and thrown in jail… and the time to start making that happen is now. 

Use the hyperlink below to send your urgent Blast Faxes to each and every Member of the Republican Leadership and the 50 Tea Party Members in the United States Senate and the United States House of Representatives. 

Floyd Brown



Listen: Former Obama Labor Secretary Caught On Tape Violating This Federal Law

“It is deeply ironic…”



House Oversight Committee Chairman Darrell Issa is keeping busy investigating the many scandals plaguing the Obama administration. This week, however, he found time to weigh in on a voicemail left by a high-ranking Obama official.

“In March 2012, United States Labor Secretary Hilda Solis, a sitting member of the president’s cabinet, engaged in prohibited activity outlined in the Hatch Act,” Issa said in the opening statement of a recent committee hearing.

He explained that Solis “solicited a donation from a subordinate Labor Department employee,” noting the apparent crime was caught on tape when she left a message on the underling’s phone.

“The committee has come now to have possession of a voicemail,” Issa confirmed, “and I would ask that it be played now.”

The woman on the tape, who identifies herself as Solis, said she was making the call “off the record” to “ask you if you could, um, help us get folks organized to come to a fundraiser that we’re doing to Organizing for America for Obama campaign” coming up later in the week.

She offered the name and phone number of an event organizer, asking for her subordinate’s help in bringing more people to the fundraiser.

“There are a lot of folks that we know that are coming,” she said, “but wanted to ask you if you might help contribute or get other folks to help out.”

While Issa said it is not uncommon for an official to misuse his or her office to further a political cause, the Obama administration has tried to hold itself up as above reproach.

“Hatch Act violations have been a problem under all administrations,” he said. “This makes the claim by this administration that they are doing everything right and should be immune from oversight all the more indefensible.”

He concluded that incidents such as this further belie the claim that Obama would preside over an open and honest federal government.

“It is deeply ironic,” he asserted, “that an administration claiming to be the most transparent ever has resisted oversight of its political office and offered less corroboration than its predecessors.”



Exclusive: After What This AZ Sheriff Just Said, The Federal Government Better Not Mess With Him

“There’s a lot of confusion…”


Hundreds of people gathered at a remote desert location in Oracle, Arizona, early Tuesday to both protest and support the delivery of 40 to 60 illegal immigrant children to Sycamore Canyon Academy in the Catalina Mountains.  A press release had been circulated over the weekend that stated that the Department of Homeland Security would be off-loading unaccompanied minors in Pinal County.  Yet as the day wore on, it became apparent that the buses were not coming.

The Sheriff spoke with reporters at the intersection of Mt. Lemon and Webb Road near the boys’ ranch.

“These unaccompanied juveniles should be put on planes and returned to their country of origin and reunited with their families,” Babeu said.

When asked if he has been working with DHS, Sheriff Babeu said that he had been attempting to reach Jeh Johnson and other top officials by fax, email, and phone.

“There’s a lot of confusion,” Babeu continued. “Even here in Arizona.”

Babeu was told on Tuesday that the unaccompanied immigrants were not coming to the ranch.

“Who’s running this operation?” he asked rhetorically.  “This is where I am not only upset, I’m insulted by the lack of cooperation by the Federal Government.”







By: Teresa Mull

Wayne Allyn Root, author, businessman, and politician, says in his new book, The Murder of the Middle Class: How to Save Yourself and Your Family from the Criminal Conspiracy of the Century (Regnery, July 2014) that the middle class is dying, and it’s “not from natural causes.” Root spoke to Human Events about President Obama’s plan to destroy our country, his process, and what to do about it.

You’ve been outspoken in calling for President Obama’s impeachment. Pat Buchanan recently wrote an article in which he says impeachment is “a bridge too far,” and that we have no grounds. What’s your response? 

I’m shocked, absolutely shocked. He’s trying to be too technical. The grounds that I use are the Kevin Trudeau grounds, famous infomercial pitch man on TV. Trudeau is now serving ten years in prison because he sold a $30 book to a million people. The book was a weight loss book and it basically intended you to believe that losing weight is easy, and then when you opened it, you found out it’s not easy, it’s a low calorie diet that will starve you. So [the U.S. government] claimed Trudeau committed fraud because if he told you the truth, you wouldn’t have bought [the book].

So that’s fraud, ten years in prison. Barack Obama should be convicted for fraud and misrepresentation on Obamacare. What did he do? He told us all how easy it was and how cheap it was, and it wouldn’t cost anybody anything, and he was lying through his teeth the entire time. If he told us the truth, that the middle class would be murdered, and your bills would be double or triple, nobody would have bought it, nobody would have elected him. I lost my own health insurance. It’s going to happen to everybody, and Obama promised it wouldn’t. That’s the crime, that’s the theft, that’s the criminal conspiracy I’m talking about.

Obama did the same thing as Kevin Trudeau. Pat Buchanan’s not getting it. Why do we treat a politician differently from a private sector CEO? Obama lied to 317 million people, and what he did is so monstrous compared to what Trudeau did. Obama has doubled and tripled the health insurance of every person in America. It could be the first trillion dollar theft in the history of the world. He probably cost us a trillion dollars over the next ten years. Everybody’s rates are doubled and tripled and quadrupled in order to pay for thirty million of his voters to get free healthcare. How is that not fraud? It absolutely is.

Let’s take it a step further. How many people have cancer and have lost their insurance or their doctor? I just got the letter in the mail last Friday, my insurance: cancelled: for my family of six. You tell me if I were dying of cancer, how would I take that letter? I might die right away. The stress might kill me. Therefore, Barack Obama has done more than commit fraud, he’s committed manslaughter. Not murder, it’s not premeditated murder, let’s assume it’s involuntary manslaughter.

Pat Buchanan is so far off; he’s not understanding. He’s looking at Benghazi, he’s looking at the IRS, and he’s saying officially, Washington, D.C. would say we don’t have the proof yet. But everyone has the proof that Obamacare was a rip off. We’ve all gotten the notice in the mail. Pretty much everyone knows now that Obama lied about everything.

When Obama campaigned in 2008, he said, because of Obamacare, the price [of health insurance] will go down $2,500 a year per family. But instead, it went up $3,000 per family, per year. That was before Obamacare even started. That was just his first term. Then Obamacare started, and in the first few months of Obamacare, the price actually went up on average more for health insurance benefits for middle class Americans than in the eight years previous combined. Is that not fraud? That’s a crime perpetrated on the American people.

Obama’s the greatest scam artist in the history of the world. He’s lied to everybody again and again.

What’s Obama’s motive since he’s not risking another election?

I said from the beginning, if he’s re-elected, we’re in big trouble, because he never has to face the voters again. He isn’t going to care; he doesn’t have to worry about popular opinion, he’ll just finish the job of destroying America. And that’s exactly what he’s doing. People don’t get it. There’s a lot of nice people, salt of the earth, they just always assume everybody’s got positive motives in life. I know very few people have positive motives in life. It’s all their own agenda. Barack Obama does not have any positive motive. His agenda is to destroy the United States of America. He hates American exceptionalism, he hates patriotism, he hates capitalism, he hates small business, he hates independent contractors which are the heart of America and create all the jobs, and he hates Judeo-Christian values, and he’s doing his best to wipe them all out.

He’s using a specific plan that he and I learned at Columbia. I graduated the same class as he did, Columbia University, class of ’83. He and I were in the same class together, studied all the same things. We studied Cloward and Piven, two Columbia professors. They said the only way to ruin America is not from the outside; it’s got to be from the inside. Take over the White House, take over politics, take over the Senate, take over the House, and we’ve got to put radicals in office who overwhelm the system, who destroy the country with spending, entitlements, and debt, mostly welfare and food stamps. And guess what’s happening right now? That’s it! That’s what’s happening. Spending, entitlements, debt, taxes, and regulation: the five things that every Communist country uses to destroy its people. That’s what Barack Obama is doing to America, and I learned it at Columbia.

Either Barack Obama is the most ignorant, stupid man who’s ever been in the White House, a total incompetent clown, or he’s the most brilliant man who’s ever been in the White House. Don’t get mad at me because I call him a Communist, because I’m saying he’s brilliant. He’s doing a damn good job of ruining America. I’m giving him credit for being brilliant. If you want to call him an idiot, that’s the only other choice, because if anyone intended to help America doing what Obama’s done and producing the results he’s done, he’s the biggest idiot who’s ever stepped foot in the White House. It’s only one or the other, look at the results. I’m giving him credit.

If the GOP wins the Senate back in 2014 this fall, do you think things will turn around or are we too far gone?

I have mixed feelings. Here’s the problem I have: The Republican Party, which is the only vehicle which can save America at this point. The Libertarian Party is incapable of winning a single election. I want to win, so I’m fighting from within the Republican Party. The problem is, when you look at the Mississippi election that just happened, Thad Cochran won in a primary after forty years in the Senate. He beat Chris McDaniel who was the Tea Party candidate. Chris stands for Tea Party values, simply spending less before the country goes bankrupt, and Cochran campaigned like a liberal Democrat, like a socialist. He beat McDaniel by convincing Democratic voters who have never voted for a Republican in their entire life in the deepest urban areas of Mississippi to cross party lines and vote Republican because he said, ‘vote for me, because I’ll protect your welfare and your food stamps and all the government spending I bring back to Mississippi.’

If that’s the argument of Republicans, then we’re too far gone.

I may in fact run, I’m not promising it yet or officially declaring, but I’m thinking really seriously about running against Harry Reid for the United States senate in 2016. I’d love to take down the senate majority leader, because I think he’s the second most responsible person in America for all the bad things that have happened. He’s protected Obama’s rear guard the entire six years Obama’s been president. He is the biggest problem in America besides Obama himself. The point is, if you win the senate, but the people who get elected are as liberal, big government as most Democrats, what have you gained? If Thad Cochrans are elected, we’ve done nothing, we’ve gained nothing. If you elect Tea Party candidates, which is what I proudly will call myself, a Tea Party conservative, then you’ve got a shot. We have to keep fighting for good candidates, not just any candidate.

My book talks about how you win elections. We need to find salesmen and saleswomen because our message is so much harder to sell than the Democratic Party’s message. Obama’s message is: if he were a parent, this is how he’d talk to his kids: “We’re having candy for breakfast, candy for lunch, candy for dessert at night, you don’t have to brush your teeth, we’re never going to a dentist, and tomorrow, skip school and watch cartoons all day. And the Republican message is: Go to school, study hard, get there early, stay late, and eat your broccoli all day long. And we’re going to go to the dentist and you need braces. Guess what? Most people don’t want to hear that message, but in the long run, it’s great for your life. We’re the party of broccoli and Obama’s the party of chocolate. We have a much harder message to sell, so we have to have world class salesmen and saleswomen to sell the message.

Who is a world class salesman? Ronald Reagan. He was an actor and an entertainer and a communicator. So I think the mistake of the Republican Party is that they’ve spent the last thirty years looking for a guy with Reagan’s views when they should have spent the time looking for a candidate with Reagan’s ability to sell and brand and entertain.

Do you have anyone in mind?

There are good salesmen out there. Let me tell you about some of my favorites: I like Dr. Ben Carson. I think he’s interesting because he’s a brilliant neurosurgeon and we’ve never had someone like that run for office. I think he makes the case as a black American to the minority community that they’re willing to listen to. I watched him on the View, and he actually stumped Whoopi Goldberg. He had her speechless. She didn’t know what to say, and they respected him so much, being this genius African American neurosurgeon, and they can’t call him a racist. He wins arguments for us that we, as fellow Republicans, can’t really win with the minority community. We’ve got to get minority votes. We have to get Hispanic votes, black votes, gay votes, female votes. We’ve got to get out there and fight for all of them.

You don’t have to break your principles to get them. I don’t want to do what Thad Cochran did. I tell this story in my book: When I was 21 years old, the Republican Party of New York asked me to run for West Chester County legislator. I ran against a woman who had never lost a race in her whole life, and since then, has never lost a race. She was in a district that was black and Jewish, all Democrat. In all the years before and all the years since, I gave her her closest margin of victory. What I did was walked door to door to every house in the district, including every black housing project in the most dangerous areas of New Rochelle, New York. And I did well.

My point to you is, you don’t need to bend your principles to get those votes. You just need to show up. I don’t think Republicans ever show up in [these] communities and make their case, and I think if we do, we can win elections. If you find a good salesman who is charismatic and who looks good and speaks the language of the people.

Do you think that we can ever recover from the way our nation is now?

We’re in a lot of trouble. It’s a very difficult road to hoe, and the people we elect, for the most part, sell out the minute they get there, and that’s the problem. They claim they’re for the people, but the minute they get elected, it’s about the next election, they’re making fundraising calls.

Can you turn around the American economy with people like that? Who don’t care about small business and don’t care about middle class people? We better get an entire U.S. Senate and House of Ted Cruzes. That is my example of a perfect United States senator: Ted Cruz. Rand Paul is another great example. I don’t always agree on everything Rand Paul says, but I still think all in all, Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, Mike Lee, and Marco Rubio, who are the Tea Party coalition of the Senate, are as close as we get to the kind of senators that could save America. If you had a Senate majority of those four, you could actually have a chance of saving America. Short of that, you’re not going to save America. We’re drifting into, if not Communism, then Socialist-light, Greece, Italy, France territory.

Are you optimistic that people will start to realize what’s going on and start voting for better candidates? Obama’s approval ratings keep getting worse and he’s been named ‘the worst president in modern history.’ Do you think middle class people will wake up and see why they’ve been struggling so much and put the two and two together?

Here’s the problem: First of all, we’ve had generations of people being dumbed-down in schools. They don’t even know what Communism is. They don’t know what socialism is. They don’t know what they’re looking at.  Are they all starting to sour on Obama? Yes. Even the black community is starting to sour on Obama over the southern border issue. They’re angry that he’s spending money on illegals that should be spent on the inner cities that are filled with black Americans living in complete poverty and being tortured with crime, and they’re saying, ‘why aren’t you spending the money on us?’

Will they then turn around and vote for a Republican? Doubtful. They’ll turn around and vote for Hillary Clinton, thinking that’s different. And she’s not different from Obama. And I don’t even think Hillary’s going to get the nomination. If I had to bet right now, I’d put my money on Elizabeth Warren, and she’s even more liberal than Hillary.

Reagan turned around Jimmy Carter’s great depression. He created twenty million jobs in two years. What did he do? He simply took power away from the government. He starved the government, and instead gave the power back to the people. He cut taxes from 70 percent to 20 percent. I have a plan I call “Reagan with Steroids.” It is the same idea as Reagan: starve the government, take the money away from the government, and give it to the people: create all the jobs, small business. How do you do that? A one year, national income tax vacation. For one year, you jumpstart the economy. The way you shock the economy is to let people keep their own money.

Another point I make in my book is, how did the Seattle Seahawks win the Super Bowl? The 12th man. The 12th man are the fans in the stands. They’re so loyal in Seattle. What does Seattle do? They reward their fans. They honor them. That’s what all smart business people do. They reward their best customers. The Republican Party is full of idiots and morons, because the Tea Party is their biggest fan.  My book recommends treating the Tea Party like a 12th man, and honoring them and rewarding them and loving them, and try to do a few things and make them happy every once and while, and then going out and converting great conservative candidates with Reagan’s views but also with Reagan’s smile, Reagan’s personality, Reagan’s charisma, Reagan’s comedic ability.

What do we risk by doing nothing?

The murder of the middle class is happening every day, in every single way. Obama needed to increase your premiums and to increase your taxes so that you would go broke or be needing a government check. Then at that point, he’s got you, like a drug dealer has an addict. You need the check, you’re going to vote Democrat. The new jobs report came out, and if you heard it all over the news, it’s such a good report. 288,000 jobs created. You know what the real number is? 525,000 full time jobs lost in the month of June. 800,000 part time jobs gained. Minimum wage and low wage jobs are the only things created by this president. If he were a white Republican and he produced results like that, and he produced black unemployment double that of white unemployment, there would be screams for him to go to prison. There would be screams for impeachment coming from the black community. His career would be over. All he’s looking to do is destroy America, and you’re just road kill along the way.





Jorge A Villalon: This is a synopsis of the events leading to Putin’s position now, and once again is due to Obama’s weakness as a World Leader. Stratfor is a Global leader in intelligence advising  numerous countries and global companies.



Editor’s Note: As Stratfor readies to look forward in coming days at the implications for Russia — and its leader Vladimir Putin — in the downing July 17 of a Malaysian jetliner, we also invite readers to take stock with us of past forecasts of Russia’s geopolitical evolution in the context of global events. Stratfor Chairman George Friedman will examine the likelihood of Putin’s undoing in the next issue of Geopolitical Weekly, to publish July 22. Accordingly, we look back here at 1998, when we predicted the unfolding Kosovo crisis would be the undoing of late Russian President Boris Yeltsin. We share our assessment from 2000, when we assessed how newly elected President Putin was rapidly consolidating absolute power. In 2005, Stratfor reassessed Putin’s situation after his first presidential term and laid out how his leadership would begin to reverse the tide of concessions and reassert Russia’s role in line with historical cycles — including the forging of strategic relationships with countries such as Germany. In 2008, we looked at how Russia would capitalize on American weaknesses, including the fatigue of wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. In 2011, we foresaw the next stage, as Russia moved to solidify its sphere of influence while still able. In this forecast, we saw the events setting the stage for today’s crisis in Ukraine. Now, we foresee more historical change. We offer this chronology of forecasts in advance of our next report on Russia’s future.

Kosovo Crisis Sets Template for New Russian Politics

During the Kosovo crisis, as Russian politicians rallied to challenge NATO intervention in Serbia and found a new source of unity, then-Russian President Boris Yeltsin found himself isolated.

Oct. 15, 1998: One voice that has been relatively weak has been that of embattled Russian President Boris Yeltsin. Though he declared his firm opposition to NATO strikes on October 9, Russia’s nationalists and communists have claimed that weak Yeltsin leadership allowed the U.S. and the West to assert hegemony. Yeltsin is even losing control of national policy regarding Kosovo. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Yakushkin was forced to rebut Defense Ministry statements on the issue, claiming only Yeltsin and the Foreign Ministry could make official policy. Kosovo may be Yeltsin’s undoing, as it has united and revitalized his opponents.

In Russia, Putin’s Power Almost Absolute

Following Boris Yeltsin’s December 1999 resignation, Vladimir Putin became acting president and then president in 2000.

Dec. 27, 2001: Two allies of Russian President Vladimir Putin joined Russia’s most influential business lobby on Dec. 21. That was followed by a live, national call-in program Dec. 24 — broadcast via television, radio and Internet — in which Putin fielded questions from his countrymen for 2 1/2 hours. Taken together, these events signal Putin has nearly finished consolidating his economic, political and social control and is now better positioned to hammer the few resistant elements into line. With newfound political stability, the president will set about implementing reforms passed in 2001 and begin crafting a new raft of reforms in 2002.

Former Soviet Union Net Assessment 2005: Unilateral Concessions to the West Are Over, Reaction Has Begun

July 15, 2005: In this era, there have been two different phases. The first — a phase of outright geopolitical retreat by Russia and the FSU’s other states, with no real attempts to resist outside powers’ strategic penetration — started in 1991 and appears to have ended by 2004 or 2005 at the latest. Currently, the second phase is starting, as regional powers — led by Russia — begin a strategic response to the recent decline and to outside powers’ increasing influence. The attempts to reverse the tide started after Russian President Vladimir Putin was re-elected for his second term last year.

Russia and Rotating the U.S. Focus

With the United States entangled in wars in the Middle East and South Asia:

April 1, 2008: Russia has taken advantage of the imbalance in the U.S. politico-military posture to attempt to re-establish its sphere of influence in the former Soviet Union. To this end, Russia has taken advantage of its enhanced financial position — due to soaring commodity prices, particularly in the energy sector — as well as a lack of American options in the region.

Russia: Rebuilding an Empire While It Can

Oct. 31, 2011: U.S.-Russian relations seem to have been relatively quiet recently, as there are numerous contradictory views in Washington about the true nature of Russia’s current foreign policy. Doubts remain about the sincerity of the U.S. State Department’s so-called “reset” of relations with Russia — the term used in 2009 when U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton handed a reset button to her Russian counterpart as a symbol of a freeze on escalating tensions between Moscow and Washington. The concern is whether the “reset” is truly a shift in relations between the two former adversaries or simply a respite before relations deteriorate again.




AMENPER: La intocabilidad de la Presidencia DE obama…

Cuando George Bush estaba en la oficina, los liberales regularmente lo compararon a Hitler, especulado que estaba detrás de 9/11, fantaseado con asesinarle y generalmente se hablaba de él como que él era el hijo de Satanás.

Esto fue llamado “decir la verdad al poder”.

 Luego Barack Obama llegó a oficina de la presidencia e irónicamente, la disidencia con el presidente ya no es tan patriótica.

Estas mismas personas se volvieron gruñones enojados, no aceptan el sentido del humor ahora consideran  que el Presidente de Estados Unidos está  más allá de la crítica.

Por supuesto, la verdad es que no han cambiado en absoluto; son sólo hipócritas.

Si quieres ver cuán hipócrita y muy sensible a la crítica se han vuelto que se puede, aquí están algunos ejemplos.

En el desfile del 4 De julio, un hombre fue acusado de desacato a la Presidencia debido a una carroza con una letrina con el rótulo “la biblioteca de Obama”

Un payaso de un rodeo fue despedido simplemente por disfrazarse como Obama.  El no tuvo la culpa que el público aplaudiera cuando lo atacó el toro.

Un sargento de los marines escribió en el internet, no voy a obedecer más a Obama al carajo con sus órdenes.  Fue juzgado por desacato a la presidencia. El sargento Gary Stein aclaró más tarde sus observaciones para decir que no sigue las órdenes ilegales del Presidente y discutió que sus comentarios en línea estaban protegidos por la primera enmienda


Y que hay de los hechos que han ocurridos durante la administración. No se pueden criticar sin “ofender a la presidencia” según Obama estas son crisis inventadas por la oposición.

Pero no son invenciones son hechos.


Rápido y furioso, nombrado por una espurio investigación federal de tráfico de armas que comenzó en Arizona en 2009, Fast and Furious inquietantemente presagió temas que echaban sombras ominosas sobre reelección de Obama, pero fueron ignoradas, no se pueden tocar los intocables, es puro racismo.

El impopular Obamacare se implementa mediante orden ejecutiva sin consultar al congreso.

Encubrimiento del gobierno de los atentados contra un Consulado estadounidense en Libia que mató a cuatro estadounidenses.

El Departamento de justicia obtuvo en secreto los registros telefónicos de los periodistas de Associated Press (AP)

El servicio de ingresos internos (IRS) admitió que se aplicó un examen adicional a grupos conservadores al solicitar la exención de impuestos

Jihadistas están ocupando a Irak después de retirar las tropas.

Aumenta el malestar en Afganistán

Putin agarra Crimea y ahora está tratando de apoderarse de Ucrania.

Frontera mexicana es como un grifo dañado que no se puede cerrar, miles de inmigrantes ilegales entran al país.

Un avión comercial  fue derribado en la frontera entre Ucrania y Rusia con un misil que solamente tiene Rusia. Había 23 pasajeros americanos.  Pero este presidente dice que no se puede determinar que Rusia tuvo algo que ver.

Reabren la base Rusa en Cuba, y el tráfico de armas a Corea del Norte es descubierto en Panamá, pero no pasa nada.

Israel invade Gaza para destruir la infraestructura de Hamas que está atacando al país. Pero el presidente lo único que se le ocurre es decir a Israel es que tenga templanza. 

Bueno pero es que si tienen templanza se los tiemplan.


Pero no se puede criticar, porque hay que proteger el legado del primer presidente negro para la posteridad..

La Nueva percepción de América en el Mundo

La política exterior entreguista de esta administración de liderar desde atrás, no se limita solamente a la debilidad en Irán y Corea del Norte y sus armas nucleares, ni al resurgimiento del poder de los terroristas en el Medio Oriente. La debilidad llega hasta nuestras costas.

Un buque de carga cuyas andanzas misteriosas sugieren el tráfico ilícito de armas de contrabando cerca de costas de Estados Unidos demuestra que Corea del norte no necesita los misiles para amenazar a América —

En un escrito en la revista Forbes, Claudia Rosett de la Fundación para la defensa de las democracias saca a la luz que un carguero con bandera de Corea del norte Mu Du Bong, a finales de junio, llama a Cuba, luego desaparecido de la red de transporte comercial por más de una semana-

Reaparece en la Habana el 10 de julio, la última posición detectada fue en el Golfo de México, no tan lejos de la costa de Texas.”

La Sra. Rosett cita “inquietantes similitudes” con otro carguero norcoreano Chong Chon, que fue capturado el verano pasado violando las sanciones de las Naciones Unidas sobre Corea del norte tratando de pasar contrabando a través del Canal de Panamá con una carga ilícita de armas que habían recogido en Cuba. Llevaba 240 toneladas de armas y pertrechos, incluyendo dos cazas MiG-21, componentes de sistema de misiles tierra-aire, y municiones de la visión nocturna” — todos ocultos por más de 200.000 sacos de azúcar cubano.”

Rosett dice que Estados Unidos podría imponer sus propias sanciones a los buques norcoreanos en general. Pero la verdadera lección aquí es la necesidad de una mayor vigilancia de Estados Unidos contra tales amenazas cerca de sus costas, especialmente mientras el régimen de Castro da la bienvenida a Corea del norte en sus puertos.

Pero lo que oímos por demasiados legisladores de ambos partidos, es la reanudación de relaciones con Cuba y el levantamiento del embargo.

¿Cómo entonces vamos a pensar que este gobierno podría imponer sanciones a Cuba como sugiere la Sra. Rosett?  -Creo que ella lo sabe, pero quiere simplemente presentar el punto que fuera algo que se hubiera hecho en cualquier administración anterior.

La debilidad de esta administración, ya sea por incompetencia o por diseño desconocido, es conocida de nuestros enemigos. 

Del país que respetaba el mundo, nos hemos convertidos como unos monos de circo de los que todos se ríen.

Costará años y una política exterior con un giro de 180 grados a una administración, recuperar la condición de Estados Unidos como líder del mundo libre.


Exclusive: After What This AZ Sheriff Just Said, The Federal Government Better Not Mess With Him

“There’s a lot of confusion…”


Hundreds of people gathered at a remote desert location in Oracle, Arizona, early Tuesday to both protest and support the delivery of 40 to 60 illegal immigrant children to Sycamore Canyon Academy in the Catalina Mountains.  A press release had been circulated over the weekend that stated that the Department of Homeland Security would be off-loading unaccompanied minors in Pinal County.  Yet as the day wore on, it became apparent that the buses were not coming.

The Sheriff spoke with reporters at the intersection of Mt. Lemon and Webb Road near the boys’ ranch.

“These unaccompanied juveniles should be put on planes and returned to their country of origin and reunited with their families,” Babeu said.

When asked if he has been working with DHS, Sheriff Babeu said that he had been attempting to reach Jeh Johnson and other top officials by fax, email, and phone.

“There’s a lot of confusion,” Babeu continued. “Even here in Arizona.”

Babeu was told on Tuesday that the unaccompanied immigrants were not coming to the ranch.

“Who’s running this operation?” he asked rhetorically.  “This is where I am not only upset, I’m insulted by the lack of cooperation by the Federal Government.”



Fue Cesanteada Del Comité Investigador De Watergate

Por Introducir PRUEBAS FALSAS Contra Nixon…Hillary Fired For “Lying, Unethical Behavior” on Watergate Committee  Robert Gehl, January 12, 2014 | 417 comments

Hillary Clinton might have a pretty hefty scandal brewing.
It turns when she was an attorney working on the Watergate investigation, she was fired by her supervisor for “lying, unethical behavior.”
Jerry Zeifman, who said he is a lifelong Democrat, was a supervisor for 27-year-old Hillary Rodham on the committee. When the investigation was complete, Zeifman said he fired Hillary and refused to give her a recommendation.
“Because she was a liar,” Zeifman said. “She was an unethical, dishonest lawyer. She conspired to violate the Constitution, the rules of the House, the rules of the committee and the rules of confidentiality.
Dan Calabrese reports:
How could a 27-year-old House staff member do all that? She couldn’t do it by herself, but Zeifman said she was one of several individuals – including Marshall, special counsel John Doar and senior associate special counsel (and future Clinton White House Counsel) Bernard Nussbaum – who engaged in a seemingly implausible scheme to deny Richard Nixon the right to counsel during the investigation. 

Why would they want to do that? Because, according to Zeifman, they feared putting Watergate break-in mastermind E. Howard Hunt on the stand to be cross-examined by counsel to the president. Hunt, Zeifman said, had the goods on nefarious activities in the Kennedy Administration that would have made Watergate look like a day at the beach – including Kennedy’s purported complicity in the attempted assassination of Fidel Castro.
The actions of Hillary and her cohorts went directly against the judgment of top Democrats, up to and including then-House Majority Leader Tip O’Neill, that Nixon clearly had the right to counsel. Zeifman says that Hillary, along with Marshall, Nussbaum and Doar, was determined to gain enough votes on the Judiciary Committee to change House rules and deny counsel to Nixon. And in order to pull this off, Zeifman says Hillary wrote a fraudulent legal brief, and confiscated public documents to hide her deception.
The brief involved precedent for representation by counsel during an impeachment proceeding. When Hillary endeavored to write a legal brief arguing there is no right to representation by counsel during an impeachment proceeding, Zeifman says, he told Hillary about the case of Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas, who faced an impeachment attempt in 1970.
“As soon as the impeachment resolutions were introduced by (then-House Minority Leader Gerald) Ford, and they were referred to the House Judiciary Committee, the first thing Douglas did was hire himself a lawyer,” Zeifman said.
The Judiciary Committee allowed Douglas to keep counsel, thus establishing the precedent. Zeifman says he told Hillary that all the documents establishing this fact were in the Judiciary Committee’s public files. So what did Hillary do?
“Hillary then removed all the Douglas files to the offices where she was located, which at that time was secured and inaccessible to the public,” Zeifman said. Hillary then proceeded to write a legal brief arguing there was no precedent for the right to representation by counsel during an impeachment proceeding – as if the Douglas case had never occurred.
The brief was so fraudulent and ridiculous, Zeifman believes Hillary would have been disbarred if she had submitted it to a judge.

Zeifman says that if Hillary, Marshall, Nussbaum and Doar had succeeded, members of the House Judiciary Committee would have also been denied the right to cross-examine witnesses, and denied the opportunity to even participate in the drafting of articles of impeachment against Nixon.

Of course, Nixon’s resignation rendered the entire issue moot, ending Hillary’s career on the Judiciary Committee staff in a most undistinguished manner. Zeifman says he was urged by top committee members to keep a diary of everything that was happening. He did so, and still has the diary if anyone wants to check the veracity of his story. Certainly, he could not have known in 1974 that diary entries about a young lawyer named Hillary Rodham would be of interest to anyone 34 years later.


From: Amelia  <>

Conservative Tribune


REPORT: Hillary Was Fired From Watergate Committee for “Fraud” and “Lying”


Former First Lady, Senator, and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is no stranger to scandal. Unfortunately, as most Americans agree, she does appear to be a stranger to honesty.

Public figures from Senator Rand Paul to NFL great Terry Bradshaw have called Hillary out for her lies to the American people. No wonder students are demanding that she return herspeaking fees despite her claims to have been broke when the Clintons left the White House–they don’t believe her. They’re in good company–neither does her own uncle.

Hillary’s past is also full of examples of her disregard for the truth. Previous reports have shown her willingness as a criminal defense attorney to ignore the facts–or more accurately, to subvert them–in order to put an accused and potentially dangerous child rapist back on the streets.

Now a bombshell book reveals that Hillary was fired by Democrat attorney Jerry Zeifman for fraud, lies, and obstruction of justice during her time as a lawyer working for the House Judiciary Committee.

Quoted by the weaselzippers website:


Hillary Clinton might be hoping no one buys “Nixon’s Secrets” — Roger Stone’s new book marking the 40th anniversary of the Watergate scandal.

Stone — a Nixon staffer who is so partisan he has a tattoo of his old boss’ face on his back — reports that Clinton was fired as a staff lawyer for the House of Representatives’ Judiciary Committee for “writing fraudulent legal briefs, lying to investigators and confiscating public documents.”

Yale Law School grad Clinton was 26 in 1974 when she started working for the committee that was investigating whether or not there was enough evidence to impeach or prosecute President Nixon for the Watergate affair.

Clinton’s boss, Jerry Zeifman, the general counsel and chief of staff to the Watergate Committee, claims he fired her because she was working to impede the investigation and undermine Nixon’s defense.

People have pasts, and every criminal defense lawyer is certain to have worked with someunsavory individuals and, moreover, to have done their job defending those criminals, even getting them freed due to legal technicalities.

But there’s a world of difference between taking advantage of legal loopholes on a defendant’s behalf and lying to the public, particularly when those lies involve a matter as significant as the possible impeachment of a sitting president.

Hillary Clinton’s record speaks for itself. Her forty-year history of blatant disregard for the truth in the name of her own political objectives should categorically preclude her from ever holding public office again. The American people deserve better.

In fact, they deserve to see her prosecuted.


Please share this article on Facebook and Twitter if you agree that Hillary Clinton lacks the moral character that should be a requirement of every elected official.



“En mi opinión” Lázaro R González Miño  


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