No 467 “En mi opinion” Agosto 26, 2013

No 467  “En mi opinión” Agosto 26, 2013.  
Editor Lázaro R González Miño  “IN GOD WE TRUST”   
Enviar Artículos, Criticas o Comentarios:,

“En el vino hay sabiduria”
“En la cerveza hay libertad”
“En el agua hay bacterias”
Benjamín Franklin

BOOM: Two Million Bikers Plan Their Own 9/11 March to Washington D.C.
By Clash Daily / 24 August 2013
KATIE PAVLICH- By now you’ve probably heard about the “Million Muslim March” coming to Washington D.C. on 9/11. Last week Chris Phillips, the organizer of the march, appeared on Hannity and refused  to condemn hateful groups like the Muslim Brotherhood while arguing the  U.S. government has been hateful toward Muslim-Americans since  9/11/2001.
Now in response to the march, bikers are also planning to show up in Washington D.C. on 9/11….with two million people.
Thousands of America’s patriotic bikers are organizing an enormous counter  protest to the planned Million Muslim March on DC this Sept. 11.
The Facebook Page, “2 Million Bikers to DC,” has over 18 thousand “likes,”  as of Thursday morning and individual state chapters of riders have  launched pages on Facebook, as well.
The bikers are riding “To  remember those who were killed on 911 and honor our armed forces who  fought those who precipitated this attack,” the Facebook page said.
Here are the objectives for the ride, which will be peaceful.
Read more at 

NESTOR DANS: Nada Es Gratis
A la mitad de unçça clase en una Universidad, uno de los alumnos, oriundo de un país comunista, inesperadamente le preguntó al profesor: 
 – “¿Usted sabe cómo se capturan los puercos salvajes?”
 El profesor creyó que era un chiste y esperaba una respuesta divertida.. El joven respondió que no era un chiste. – “Usted captura puercos salvajes encontrando un sitio adecuado en la floresta y tirando un poco de maíz en el piso. Los puercos vienen diariamente a comer el maíz de gratis. Cuando se acostumbran a venir diariamente, Usted construye una cerca a un costado del sitio en donde ellos se acostumbraron a venir. Cuando se acostumbran a la cerca, ellos regre san a comer el maíz y usted construye otro lado de la cerca… Ellos vuelven a acostumbrarse y regresan a comer. Usted va poco a poco hasta instalar los cuatro costados del cercado alrededor de los puercos, al final instala una puerta en el último lado. Los puercos ya estarán acostumbrados al maíz fácil y a las cercas, comienzan a venir solos por la entrada. Es ahí cuando Usted cierra el portón y captura a todo el grupo.” – “Así de simple, en un segundo, los puercos pierden su libertad. Ellos empiezan a correr en círculos dentro de la cerca, pero ya están sometidos. Luego, empiezan a comer el maíz fácil y gratis. Se quedan tan acostumbrados a eso que se olvidan cómo cazar por sí mismos, y por eso aceptan la esclavitud.” El  joven comentó con el profesor que era exactamente eso que él veía suceder en Argentina, Nicaragua, Venezuela, Bolivia y Ecuador. Sus gobierno dictatoriales, escondidos bajo el manto “democrático”, los estaba empujando hacia el comunismo tirando maíz gratis disfrazado de programas de ayuda de dinero, misiones, planes, impuestos diversos, leyes de “protección”, subsidio para cualquier cosa, expropiaciones indebidas, programas de “bienestar social”, médicos cubanos y medicinas “gratis”, siempre y siempre nuevas leyes inconsecuentes, etc.; todo a costilla del sacrificio de la libertad, “migaja a migaja”. Debemos siempre recordarnos que “No existe comida gratis” y además que “No es posible que alguien preste un servicio más barato que el que uno mismo hace”. Finalmente, si Usted se da cuenta de que toda esa maravillosa “ayuda” gubernamental es un problema que se opone al futuro de la democracia en nuestro país, usted debería enviar este mensaje a sus amigos.
 Pero si Usted cree que los políticos piden más poder para que su grupo continúe quitando las libertades y el dinero de los demás para beneficiarle a Usted o a los “pobres”, entonces probablemente Usted irá a eliminar este correo , pero… ¡¡Que Dios lo ayude a Usted y su Familia cuando le cierren el portón!!
Hungría va a hacer un referendo para abandonar el EURO
Hungría Pagó La Deuda Con El Fondo Monetario Internacional
Contempla Hacer Un Referendo Para Abandonar El Euro…  
Mientras Mas Rápido Nos Liberemos De La ONU y Todas La Organizaciones Socialistas Internacionales Va a Ser Mejor…
Cuba Había Acordado DARLE ASILO POLÍTICO AL Espía Snowden… En Un Viaje De Hong Kong
Vía Moscú A La Habana… Recibió Órdenes De USA… De No Hacerlo…
Cuando Snowden Estaba A Punto De Abordar… A Petición De La Habana… No Lo Dejaron Viajar… Otra PRUEBA de que Cuba HACE LO QUE LOS NORTE AMERICANOS LE PIDEN He Aquí La Noticia…
Hasta el New York Time Tuvo Que Publicarlo…
Los Egipcios Creen Que Obama Y USA Apoyan
A La Hermandad Musulmana… Para Establecer
Una Dictadura Con La Ley Sharia…
Egipto está lleno de pasquines contra obama…
He aquí la noticia en NYT
Para Supervisar El Espionaje Nacional Obama Nombró Socialistas Crónicos
Que Copian La Política De Stalin…Para Mantener La Seguridad Nacional…
Advocate of Secret Infiltration – Cass Sunstein
August 25th, 2013
ABC reports that, along with former CIA Deputy Director Mike Morell, former Homeland Security Czar Richard Clarke, and former Obama special assistant for economic policy Peter Swire, the White House (or James Clapper — who knows at this point) has picked Cass Sunstein for its Review Committee on NSA programs.
Frankly, a lot of people are investing misplaced confidence that Richard Clarke will make this committee useful. While he’s good on a lot of issues, he’s as hawkish on cybersecurity as anyone else in this country. And as I keep pointing out, these programs are really about cybersecurity. Richard Clarke is not going to do a damned thing to rein in a program that increasingly serves to surveil US Internet data to protect against cyberthreats.
But Sunstein? Really?
As Glenn Greenwald (yeah — that Glenn; did they really think no one would raise this point?) reported back in 2010, Sunstein wrote a paper in 2008 advocating very creepy stealth measures against “conspiracy theories.”
In 2008, while at Harvard Law School, Sunstein co-wrote a truly pernicious paper proposing that the U.S. Government employ teams of covert agents and pseudo-”independent” advocates to “cognitively infiltrate” online groups and websites — as well as other activist groups — which advocate views that Sunstein deems “false conspiracy theories” about the Government.  This would be designed to increase citizens’ faith in government officials and undermine the credibility of conspiracists.  The paper’s abstract can be read, and the full paper downloaded, here.
Sunstein advocates that the Government’s stealth infiltration should be accomplished by sending covert agents into “chat rooms, online social networks, or even real-space groups.”  He also proposes that the Government make secret payments to so-called “independent” credible voices to bolster the Government’s messaging (on the ground that those who don’t believe government sources will be more inclined to listen to those who appear independent while secretly acting on behalf of the Government).   This program would target those advocating false “conspiracy theories,” which they define to mean: “an attempt to explain an event or practice by reference to the machinations of powerful people, who have also managed to conceal their role.”
And remember, a big mandate for this committee is not to review the programs to see if we can make them more privacy-protective, but simply to increase our trust in them. Which goes to the core of what Sunstein was talking about in his paper: using covert government propaganda to, in this case, better sell covert government spying.
Well, if Obama and Clapper’s rollout hadn’t already discredited this committee, Sunstein’s selection sure does.
Update: Adding some quotes from Sunstein’s paper.
The importance of undermining conspiracy theories is especially important with terrorism.
Our main though far from exclusive focus – our running example – involves conspiracy theories relating to terrorism, especially theories that arise from and post-date the 9/11 attacks. These theories exist within the United States and, even more virulently, in foreign countries, especially Muslim countries. The existence of both domestic and foreign conspiracy theories, we suggest, is no trivial matter, posing real risks to the government’s antiterrorism policies, whatever the latter may be. Terrorism-related theories are thus a crucial testing ground for the significance, causes, and policy implications of widespread conspiracy theorizing.
True conspiracy theories shouldn’t be undermined.
Of course some conspiracy theories, under our definition, have turned out to be true. The Watergate hotel room used by Democratic National Committee was, in fact, bugged by Republican officials, operating at the behest of the White House. In the 1950s, the Central Intelligence Agency did, in fact, administer LSD and related drugs under Project MKULTRA, in an effort to investigate the possibility of “mind control.” Operation Northwoods, a rumored plan by the Department of Defense to simulate acts of terrorism and to blame them on Cuba, really was proposed by high-level officials (though the plan never went into effect).13 In 1947, space aliens did, in fact, land in Roswell, New Mexico, and the government covered it all up. (Well, maybe not.) Our focus throughout is on false conspiracy theories, not true ones. Our ultimate goal is to explore how public officials might undermine such theories, and as a general rule, true accounts should not be undermined. [my emphasis]
Artículo En El Día De Hoy En El New York Time
El Vocero de los Comunistas Americanos, Dice:
Francia Se Hunde Con El Socialismo…
No me explicó como lo publicaron… 
Para los que no tiene tiempo les pongo lo más importante… al final tienen el enlace para leerlo…
El desempleo francés y el desempleo juvenil están en niveles récord, el crecimiento es lento en comparación con Alemania, Gran Bretaña, Estados Unidos o Asia, el gasto público representa casi el 57 por ciento del producto interno bruto,el más alto de la zona euro, y es 11 puntos porcentuales más que Alemania. El gobierno emplea a 90 funcionarios por cada 1.000 habitantes, frente a los 50 en Alemania.  (Miami Dade emplea 22 por cada 1,000)
Los costes salariales por hora son altos y el gasto social representa el 32 por ciento del PIB, el más alto entre los países industrializados, los aumentos salariales reales superan el crecimiento de la productividad, la deuda nacional es de más del 90 por ciento del PIB es decir están QUEBRADOS como DETROIT…
El noventa por ciento de las empresas francesas tienen 10 o menos empleados y no emplean más por miedo debido a las cargas fiscales adicionales y estrictas regulaciones laborales… 
Jacques Galaup, un agricultor cerca de Gaillac en el suroeste, habló con desdén de la cantidad de horas que tuvo que pasar en el papeleo – Que estimó que hay probablemente una funcionaria por cada agricultor.
Para leer todo el artículo…
Se Acuerdan del “LIDER” Stokely Carmichael…
Uno de los “Grandes de la lucha por los derechos civiles en los annos 60 y 70”
La prensa mantuvo En SECRETO que desde la Universidad… ERA UN CONVERZO
MUSULMAN… Su Nombre Es Kwame Ture… además miembro del partido Socialista
El nos cuenta:
Desde 1966, cuando acababa de ser elegido Presidente del Comité CoordinadorNo violento Estudiantil, mi primer acto oficial, fue a visitar el Honorable Elijah Muhammad y la Nación del Islam. Es entonces cuando se ordenó a todos los miembros de la fruta del Islam para protegerme siempre viajé, en cualquier parte del mundo. Todavía estoy bajo el paraguas de la protección actual, aquí, en África, en Guinea. Yo nunca podría ser ingrato con la Nación del Islam, al Honorable Elijah Muhammad, ni a su encarnación – Ministro Louis Farrakhan.
La Internet Es Nuestra Salvación…. De La Prensa Socialista y Homosexual Que nos entretiene Con NOVELITAS
Para ver el historial del comunista musulmán Carmichael:
Lo Que Debemos de Saber Para Entender La Política Económica…
Primero… De Donde USA Importa El Petróleo…

Después Los Países DEPENDIENDO
Del  Petróleo De Arabia Del Sur…

Los 10 Grandes Importadores De Petróleo
Rank Country Oil – imports (bbl/day) 1 United States 10,270,000 &&&&&&& 2 China 5,080,000 &&&&&&& 3 Japan 4,394,000 &&&&&&& 4 India 3,060,000 &&&&&&& 5 Germany 2,671,000 &&&&&&& 6 Netherlands 2,577,000 &&&&&&& 7 Korea, South 2,500,000 &&&&&&& 8 France 2,220,000 &&&&&&& 9 Singapore 2,052,000 &&&&&&& 10 Italy 1,800,000 &&&&&&&
Definition: This entry is the total oil imported in barrels per day (bbl/day), including both crude oil and oil products.
Todos los Países Que importan Petróleo…
Se Pueden Ver En Este Enlace…
He Aquí; Como Se Ha Mantenido El Dólar y USA…
Al final de la Segunda Guerra Mundial se acordó por todas las
Naciones aceptar el Dólar como la “Moneda de cambio”…
¿Cuánto Tiempo Puede Durar Ese Acuerdo?
Me pareció que el colapso ocurriría después de la EXPLOSIÓN DE LA PRIMERA BURBUJA.
Sin embargo, el entonces presidente de Bush de la Federal Reserve el señor  Alan Greenspan, empapeló
con NUEVOS MILES DE MILLONES DE DÓLARES la burbuja… y todos los países prefirieron cerrar los ojos y
seguir adelante…
Entonces, pensé que iba a derrumbarse después que el negocio de DERIVATIVO DE LOS BANCO estallara
Sin embargo, nuevamente el presidente de la Federal Reserve el señor Ben Bernanke, empapeló la DEUDA una vez más con BILLONES DE DÓLARES NUEVOS…
Me VOLVÍ A EQUIVOCAR… he estado equivocado, durante los últimos 13 años!
La Próxima Burbuja Ya Está En Preparación…
Mientras estamos leyendo estas LÍNEAS… Pues todo ese dinero… $85 BILLONES MENSUALES  impreso, bajo el gobierno de OBAMA… ha ido a alguna parte! SIN DUDA ESTA EN ALGÚN LUGAR… y  VA A SALIR… en algún momento…
El próximo presidente de la Federal Reserve… va a ser 100 x 100 Obamista y SOCIALISTA… y como para los socialistas el derecho de los pueblos y la propiedad privada NO TIENE NINGÚN VALOR…  EL VA A CONTINUAR LA MISMA POLÍTICA… DE IMPRIMIR DÓLARES…
Cuando EXPLOTE la burbuja creada con los BILLONES DE NUEVOS DÓLARES, se van a necesitar cada vez mayores cantidades de dólares… Ellos piensan IMPRIMIR MAS DÓLARES… para salvar a los bancos y másGENTE PERDERÁN SUS AHORROS POR LA INFLACIÓN…
¿Hasta Cuando El Dólar Va A Durar?
Hasta que los extranjeros, se niegan a aceptar el dólar…
Recuerden que los IRANESES y CHÁVEZ se pusieron de acuerdo en“DECIR” (pero no lo hicieron) que no iban a aceptar el pago en dólares… y la amenaza… se disolvió… YA NADIE SE ACUERDA DE ESO…
Arabia Saudita Es La Clave…
El rey saudí sigue aceptando dólares por su petróleo. El sabe muy bien que el día en que deje de aceptar dólares, los EE.UU. tiene todos los recursos militares en el Golfo Pérsico, para ELIMINARLO y poner en el poder unSAUDÍ “DEMÓCRATA…”
La familia real saudí, tiene a la Marina de EE.UU. tiene en su garganta! Por lo tanto, las importaciones de petróleo no tienen prácticamente el costo de los EE.UU.! Considerando que, todos los países, debe cambiar sus monedas por dólares para comprar petróleo…
¿Cuánto Tiempo Puede Durar Esto?
Chávez y los Iraneses… no tuvieron éxito… pero Japón, Corea de Sur, India, Rusia y China no son estúpidos!
Ellos saben muy bien lo que sería para su economía… la eliminación de DÓLAR como moneda internacional de cambio… Eventualmente, ellos van a decir que compran el petróleo con sus monedas…
La Eliminación Del Dólar Acabaría Con El Socialismo…
Pues comenzaría  el RESTABLECIMIENTO DE LA VERDADERA ECONOMÍA… Cada PAÍS y cada negocio TRIUNFARÍAN de acuerdo a su PRODUCTIVIDAD… todo el mundo estaría de REGRESO AL PATRÓN ORO como siempre fue desde los FENICIOS… y CONTINUÓ hasta antes de la Primera Guerra Mundial…
El PRECIO DEL ORO va a ser EL PRECIO DE PRODUCIRLO… no el precio puesto por Wall Street…


Adolfo Hitler llego al poder mediante una elección masiva. Esta victoria fue el resultado de su discurso racista antisemita.
Estableció un régimen totalitario con un poder absoluto. El resultado  es de todos conocido: La II Guerra Mundial con un saldo de 17 millones de muertos aproximadamente.
En nuestra época, décadas pasadas, cuando surgía un gobierno autoproclamándose  como “revolucionario”,  los leaderes de estos movimientos, inmediatamente efectuaban cambios en los mandos militares que generalmente eran de academia, substituyéndolos por otros, quizás ineptos, pero sometidos al nuevo mandatario. Se nombraba un nuevo gabinete de Ministros, también de muy baja calidad y asesores incapacitados. Se abolía el Poder Legislativo y había que ejercer  y obedecer las órdenes del nuevo Jefe.
Las tácticas han cambiado y se han modernizado los métodos, aunque el resultado sea el mismo. Se llega a la presidencia a través de elecciones y aunque existan los legisladores, se hace lo que el jefe exige, porque si no, se utiliza la Orden Ejecutiva.
Que estos hechos sucedan en Cuba, Venezuela, Bolivia y todos los países que han adoptado el sistema del odio y la envida, no nos sorprende.
En los Estados Unidos el Poder Legislativo siempre disfruto del respeto que merecen sus decisiones. EL PODER LEGISLATIVO  representa la voluntad de los electores.  
Eso ha cambiado mucho. El  Sr. Presidente Barack Obama está abusando del Poder Ejecutivo. Cuando las Órdenes Ejecutivas son utilizadas para evadir al Congreso y el proceso de leyes, es contradictorio a las bases Constitucionales.
Lo sentimos mucho, pero opinamos que es humillante mantener un Poder Legislativo en que muchos de sus acuerdos sean invalidados o cambiados por una Orden Ejecutiva.
Gobernar de esa manera, es mantener una “DEMOCRACIA” al 2/3, solamente funcionando con 2 poderes: El Ejecutivo y el Judicial.
Con que inficiencia de gobierno ha tenido que vivir los Estados Unidos durante estos últimos 6 años. La administración de Barack Obama ha cambiando el concepto de gobierno  que  los americanos han disfrutado de por vida.
Diego Quiros, Sr.                                   DIOS BENDIGA A AMERICA.
U.S. Government Workers Best Paid in World
Federal employees in the United States receive significantly higher total compensation than do central-government workers in other developed nations, according to a new analysis of income data.
The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) provides figures showing how central-government workers are paid in the world’s developed, high-income countries.
The OECD looked at the salaries, benefits, and paid leave for government employees and combined the values to compute total compensation in four main categories of public employees.
In the senior management category, top-level employees are classified as being at the D1 and D2 levels.
The D1 designates an employee just below cabinet level, and public employees at this level in the United States receive average compensation of $248,438 a year, compared to $228,832 for employees in 18 other OECD countries. That’s according to Andrew G. Biggs, a resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute, whose analysis was published by National Review Online.
D2 managers are immediately below the D1 level. They receive on average $261,226 a year in the United States — even more than D1 employees — and $173,913 elsewhere.
The middle management category includes civil servants whose positions are designated D3 and D4. They too receive significantly more in the United States than in other countries, as do workers in the professionals category, which includes economists and statisticians.
The secretarial staff category includes senior/executive secretaries, who earn $98,786 in America and $52,815 elsewhere, and office secretaries/general office clerks, whose compensation in the United States amounts to $69,476 compared to $47,783 in the other countries.
American government workers’ salaries are not outrageously higher than those in other countries, but their benefits are. U.S. federal employees’ total benefits add up to 37 percent of their wages, compared to 16 percent for employees in Australia, 27 percent in the U.K., and 23 percent in the OECD as a whole.
On average, American federal government workers receive 16 percent higher total compensation than do similar workers in other OECD nations, even after differences in the countries’ average income levels are taken into account.
Yet Biggs points to several factors suggesting that U.S. federal employees are on average less skilled than their foreign counterparts.
“Federal taxpayers should be able to feel confident that they are not overpaying for the services they receive,” Biggs concludes. “Liberals who favor activist government should support pay parity as a means to maintain support for government programs, just as budget hawks should do so to contribute to deficit reduction.
“But the evidence, from a variety of different angles, suggests we are still far from that goal.”

2. NSA’s Data Center Site Is Home to Polygamist Sect
Bluffdale, Utah, is home to the National Security Agency’s massive new data center designed to intercept, analyze, and store vast amounts of the world’s communications.
It also has another distinction: Bluffdale is headquarters of the Apostolic United Brethren (AUB), one of the nation’s largest sects of polygamists.
The AUB has upwards of 9,000 members, according to Its communities of Mormon fundamentalists are mostly in Utah but there are also several in other states and Mexico.
The sect’s Bluffdale complex includes a chapel, a school, archives, and a sports field.
Membership in Bluffdale “has doubled since 1978 — and the number of plural marriages has tripled,” reported.
The sect is not affiliated with The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
The NSA chose to locate its center in Bluffdale due in part to low utility rates there, especially water. A local TV station reported that the center will require 1.7 million gallons of water each day to keep its computers cool.
The site also takes advantage of available land on a military base, and is in an area with no history of natural disasters.
According to National Public Radio, the nearly completed $1.2 billion complex 26 miles south of Salt Lake City “features 1.5 million square feet of top secret space,” with NSA computers filling up to 100,000 square feet.
The center will begin harvesting emails, phone records, text messages, and other electronic data in September

3. ‘Political Choices’ Blamed for Calif. High Home Prices
Home prices in California have skyrocketed to such an extent that three-quarters of the residents in some metro areas can’t afford to buy a house.
And an eye-opening report from discloses that the unaffordable home prices are largely due to “regulatory factors” and high impact fees.
Until the early 1970s, home prices in California were in line with the rest of the country, with the median home just 7 percent above the national average. By 2013, it was 109 percent above the average.
In the San Francisco metropolitan area, only 17 percent of households can now afford to buy a home, compared to 60 percent nationwide. The Los Angeles, San Diego, and San Jose metros have affordability levels of 20 percent to 30 percent.
“Now even the middle class is forced into either being ‘house poor’ or completely shut out of home ownership, or may simply be obliged to leave the area,” writes report author Joel Kotkin, executive director of, whose books include “The Next Hundred Million: America in 2050.”
In what could serve as a lesson for the rest of the country, Kotkin blames regulatory factors that restrict building in many areas in California and thereby sharply increase property costs. The cost of land that is available for housing has risen nine times as much in the Golden State as in the rest of the nation since 1970.
Housing prices are also driven up by sky-high impact fees, which are used to fund capital improvements. The average impact fee for a single-family home in 2012 was $31,100, easily the highest in the nation. The fees on multifamily units averaged $18,800.
“The roots of our state’s massive social regression lie in political choices made by the state, counties, and cities,” observes Kotkin in his report, which originally appeared in the Orange County Register.
He also notes that a growing percentage of working households are being forced to spend 50 percent or more of their income on housing, and adds: “This emerging social disaster has received little attention from the so-called progressives, whose policies in part are responsible for the state’s growing housing crisis.”

4. Two Christian Bishops Still Missing in Syria
The fate of two Christian bishops who were abducted in Syria remains unknown four months after they disappeared.
Greek Orthodox Bishop Boulos Yazigi, 54, and Syriac Orthodox Archbishop Yohanna Ibrahim, 65, were both based in Aleppo, Syria. On April 22, they were abducted by unknown assailants while carrying out humanitarian work near the Turkish border.
Their driver, a deacon in the Syriac Orthodox Church, was shot dead.
Christians, who make up about 10 percent of Syria’s population, have been targeted by anti-government rebels who consider them supporters of the Bashar Assad regime.
The rebels and the government’s intelligence agencies have accused each other of the abduction. Assad said in an interview in May that the bishops were being held near the Turkish border by “terrorist groups.”
But Lebanese media have reported claims that they were killed soon after their abduction.
And earlier this month the Turkish Foreign Ministry denied that the bishops were being held in Turkey.
In May, 72 members of the U.S. House sent a letter to Secretary of State John Kerry expressing their “grave concern” over the disappearance of the bishops, stating: “We urge the State Department to make Metropolitan Yazigi and Metropolitan Ibrahim’s immediate release and safe return to Aleppo a priority in our efforts in the region.”
The bishops are among at least five Christian leaders kidnapped in Syria this year, CNS News reported.
An Armenian Catholic priest, Michael Kayyal, and a Greek Orthodox priest, Maher Mahfouz, were abducted while riding in a bus near Aleppo on Feb. 9, and an Italian priest, Paolo Dall’Oglio, disappeared on July 29 in a rebel-held city east of Aleppo.
A human rights organization has reported claims that the Italian priest was killed by al-Qaida-linked rebels.
A church source close to the Greek Orthodox Patriarch of Antioch was quoted by the Beirut Star as saying the kidnapping of the two bishops was carried out to pressure Syrian Christians into supporting the rebels and not backing the regime, and to send the message that “Christians are no longer welcome in the Middle East.”

5. Dallas Cowboys Now Worth $2.3 Billion
The Dallas Cowboys remain the most valuable franchise in the National Football League in 2013 — “America’s Team” is now worth $2.3 billion.
But that’s still $1 billion less than the world’s most valuable sports franchise.
The NFL’s 32 teams are worth $1.7 billion on average, 5 percent more than last year, according to That compares to the $744 million average worth of Major League Baseball’s 30 teams, the National Basketball Association’s 30 teams ($509 million), and the National Hockey League’s 30 teams ($282 million).
The world’s 20 top soccer teams have an average value of $968 million.
The Cowboys were one of five NFL teams that posted double-digit gains in value over the past year, along with the New England Patriots, Houston Texans, Atlanta Falcons, and St. Louis Rams.
This is the seventh consecutive year that the Cowboys are the league’s most valuable franchise. The team had 2012 revenue of $539 million, and operating income of $250 million. The only NFL team to post a loss in operating income last year was the Detroit Lions, who were $3.5 million in the red — the fourth consecutive season the team has lost money.
According to Forbes, the NFL’s financial success can be attributed to lucrative television deals with four networks and a satellite service, state-of-the art stadiums in most cities, a hard salary cap for players, and the huge interest in fantasy football.
After Dallas, the most valuable NFL franchise is the New England Patriots, worth $1.8 billion. The Patriots have sold out every home game since 1994, despite high ticket prices.
Next is the Washington Redskins at $1.7 billion, New York Giants — whose 80,400 average attendance is second only to Dallas — at $1.55 billion, and Houston Texans at $1.45 billion.
Rounding out the top 10 are the New York Jets ($1.38 billion), Philadelphia Eagles ($1.31 billion), Chicago Bears ($1.25 billion), Baltimore Ravens ($1.227 billion), and San Francisco 49ers ($1.224 billion).
After the Lions, the team with the lowest operating income last season was the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, $2.2 million.
The least valuable NFL teams, according to Forbes, are the Oakland Raiders (worth $825 million), Jacksonville Jaguars ($840 million), and Buffalo Bills ($870 million).
The three teams’ values combined total barely more than the Cowboys’ $2.3 billion.
The Dallas Cowboys franchise is not the world’s most valuable in major sports, however. Three European soccer teams are worth more: Real Madrid (worth $3.3 billion in March), Manchester United ($3.17 billion), and Barcelona ($2.6 billion).
The only American sports franchise that can match the Cowboys is the New York Yankees — the team was valued at $2.3 billion in March.
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“En mi oipnion“ “El que llamamos Alcade de goma… Porque siempre rebota y se epegotal y nunca sale con fuerza” Lazaro R Gonzalez Mino…
Alcalde Giménez: “Donde dije digo, digo Diego”
La voluntad popular hace que el alcalde dé marcha atrás a decisiones que ha querido impulsar
MIAMI, 26 DE AGOSTO DE 2013,—“Donde dije digo, digo Diego”, es un refrán muy español con que los retractores del alcalde de Miami-Dade, Carlos Giménez, están identificando la política adoptada por éste, donde al parecer no está convencido de lo que declara públicanmente y hasta a los comisionados del Condado.
Y es que el alcalde en varias ocasiones en los últimos meses ha estado declarando hacer algunos cambios y luego con gran urgencia “da marcha atrás”.
Ocurrió así cuando declaró que se proponía a aumentar los impuestos a la propiedad, algo que causó una reacción impopular al extremo de que se habló hasta de iniciar un proceso de recall, o sea un revocatorio similar al que se le hizo a su antecesor Carlos Álvarez. Debido a la reacción del pueblo el alcalde Giménez no tardó  en declarar que “debo escuchar al pueblo”, dando marcha atrás no continuando con su plan del aumento al amillaramiento.
Recientemente propuso cerrar 22 bibliotecas y de nuevo la voz popular le salió al paso, criticando esa decisión, viéndose de nuevo el alcalde retrocediendo, declarando que no se cerrarán las bibliotecas.
“Debemos reflexionar sobre el futuro del departamento de las bibliotecas”, dicen algunas fuentes que el alcalde le dijo a los comisionados en un correo electrónico enviado recientemente. “Debemos cambiar las perspectivas de la financiación de los servicios de bibliotecas en el condado”, dicen que señaló Giménez en ese correo electrónico.
Esta semana será la votación de la Comisión condal para resolver el impasse existente en el restablecimiento del pago a los empleados públicos, se debe encontrar poco más de $30 millones para salir bien de ese atolladero. Muchos esperan la propuesta del alcalde y si será acertada sin divagacioines.

Mastermind Behind Benghazi Attack Trained In The U.S.
It is has been widely reported in Egyptian media that one of the leaders in the attack against the Benghazi consulate on September 11, 2012 was Mohsen Al-Azazi.
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According to Ahmed Moussa, a former high ranking intelligence official with the Egyptian government and several other sources, Al-Azazi’s passport was found in the house of Khairat Al-Shater, the Number Two man in the Muslim Brotherhood hierarchy, now under house arrest in Egypt by the Egyptian military.
But according to an ongoing Egyptian investigation by Egypt’s Supreme State Security Prosecution, Muslim Brotherhood second-in-command Khairat Al-Shater was just tangentially involved in the attack on the Benghazi consulate. The actual mastermind of the attack was a man by the name of Tarek Taha Abu Al-Azm, now in the custody of the Egyptian military.
In what is reminiscent of the attack on the World Trade Center towers and Pentagon on 9/11, where some of the hijackers reportedly received flight training on U.S. military installations, per Egyptian investigators, Al-Azm, the mastermind of the attack on the Benghazi consulate, took military courses at a U.S. Air Force base.
Per Muslim Brotherhood researcher Walid Shoebat, citing multiple Arabic news sources, Al-Azm is a seasoned jet fighter pilot and a former Major in the Egyptian Air Force.
Per Shoebat, translating from a pro-Jihadi website, the Arabian Sword:
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Al-Azm is a former Major in the Egyptian armed forces who graduated from high school and joined the military academy, graduating as an officer of the Armed Forces Officers. Al-Azm traveled to the United States for military courses until he reached the rank of captain and was put in charge of an air base for the Egyptian armed forces.
Per Shoebat, former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak had jailed Al-Azm for terrorist activities. But when Obama-backed Muslim Brotherhood President Mohammed Morsi ascended to the presidency, Al-Azm was immediately released.
But this is just the beginning of a blockbuster story.
A Libyan Intelligence document dated September 15, 2012, names six Egyptians from the terrorist group Ansar al-Sharia, based in Egypt, as being behind the attack on the Benghazi consulate. Then-Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood President Mohammed Morsi is named as a co-conspirator.
Per Walid Shoebat’s translation of the Libyan Intelligence document:
The most distinguished names that were obtained from the confessions by members of the cell, is the person, the President of Egypt, Mohammad Morsi…
Along with Morsi, the Libyan Intelligence document goes on to name five other co-conspirators, all members of the Muslim Brotherhood.
This is the same Mohammed Morsi who Barack Hussein Obama was fawning over and sent hundreds of millions of dollars to in foreign aid. The same Mohammed Morsi that Obama is stillsupporting.
But it gets worse—much worse.
According to Arabic News Channel TV14 and reported on by Egypt Daily News, Obama sent aneight billion dollar secret bribe to the Muslim Brotherhood to guarantee that the Egyptian Sinai Peninsula be turned over to the terrorist group Hamas. Hamas, a Muslim Brotherhood sister group, works directly with Ansar al-Sharia in the Sinai Peninsula. Channel TV14 goes on to say that the agreement was signed by Mohammed Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood’s second in command, Khairat Al-Shater, now under house arrest in Egypt.
And what does Khairat Al-Shater have to say? He’s singing like a bird and says he has documents that will put Obama away for a very long time!
As reported by at least six Arabic news sources, as translated by Walid Shoebat:
In an interview with the Anatolia News Agency, Saad Al-Shater, the son of a Muslim Brotherhood leader, the detained Khairat Al-Shater said that his father had in his hand evidence that will land the head of United States of America, President Obama, in prison.
But there’s more: the eight billion dollars that Obama sent to the Muslim Brotherhood was shared with Ansar al-Sharia, the group that attacked our consulate and CIA Annex in Benghazi on September 11, 2012.
That means Barack Hussein Obama in essence funded the attack on the Benghazi consulate!
Funding terrorists? The mastermind of the attack on the Benghazi consulate trained in the United States? Obama secretly sending billions of dollars to the Muslim Brotherhood?
Who exactly is Barack Hussein Obama, and who is he working for?
Honor a ese cubanazo “Guillermo Alvarez Guedes”
EN HONOR A LA MEMORIA DE ALVAREZ GUEDES Variables etimològicas de la palabra mierda en buen español. Los cubanos, al menos, por razones de uso, debemos dejar de considerar esta palabra como obscenidad, porque si decidimos eliminarla del vocabulario muchos se van a quedar mudos; según vemos por la cantidad de contextos y significados en y como se le emplea.

La palabra mierda según el momento:

a..   Ubicación geográfica:        Vete a la mierda
b.. Valor dietético:                  Comemierda
c.. Ignorancia:                        No entendí ni mierda
d.. Adjetivo Calificativo:          Eres una mierda
e.. Compasión:                        Ay! no, que mierda
f..  Egocentrismo:                    Se cree la gran mierda
g.. Escepticismo:                     No te creo ni mierda
h.. Venganza:                         Te voy a hacer mierda
i..  Efecto Visual:                     No se ve ni mierda
j..  Efecto auditivo:                  Esta mierda no se oye
k.. Sentido del olfato:              Eso huele a mierda
l..  Especulación:                     Qué será esa mierda?
m..Sorpresa:                           Mierda!!!
n.. Susto:                               Se me salió la mierda
ñ.. Calidad:                             Esta mierda está buenísima
o.. Negación Rotunda:            Ni mierda!
p.. Exceso de velocidad:         Esa mierda es rapidísima
q.. Sentido del gusto:              Esto me sabe a mierda
r.. Estupidez:                          Que comemierdería
s.. Alquimista:                         Todo lo que toca lo vuelve mierda
t.. Ánimos:                              Apúrate con esa mierda
u.. Expresión de alegría:          Que mierda más buena
v.. Desencanto:                       Esta mierda ya no sirve pa’ ná
w.. Frustración:                       Tíralo todo a mierda
x.- Político:                             Qué clase de mierda!

Si eres cubanopásalo a otros cubanos para que se den cuenta qué valor le damos a la palabra mierda y de cuánta mierda hablamos…

Enviar Artículos, Criticas o Comentarios:,

“En mi opinión” Lázaro R González Miño Editor ‘IN GOD WE TRUST’ 


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